Esplanade (Spianada) Square and Liston in Corfu

Last updated on September 8th, 2024 at 02:12 pm

Spianada (Esplanade) square and Liston

The Esplanade is the central square of Corfu and a meeting place for residents and visitors, surrounded by the streets of Iroon Politecniou at the east and north, Eleftherias and Kapodistriou to the West and Akadimias Street in the South, and crossed in the middle by Dousmanis street.

Built-in the style of the Royal Gardens of Europe it is the largest square in the Balkans and one of the largest in Europe.

In the square’s bandstand, there are often concerts and other events, especially during the summer.

Cricket matches are also frequently played there.

Cricket is purely British sport which has been enthusiastically adopted by the Corfiots since the period of English domination of the island.

There are 12 cricket clubs and two other pitches on the island.

Corfu Cricket team is the only cricket team in Greece and so is the Greek National Cricket team also.

To one side of the square is the popular pedestrian area of The Liston with its French architectural buildings (modeled on the Rue de Rivoli in Paris) and numerous cafes.

The construction of The Liston began in 1807 by Napoleon, the sole purpose of the building’s construction was to house the French army.

It was completed in 1814. The buildings were designed by French architect Lesseps and implemented with the assistance of the Greek engineer Ioannis Parmezan.

Corfu Liston is a complex of buildings facing the Esplanade, with arched ground-floor galleries which the locals call “Volta”

The name was given by the word “list” which arrives from the Greek word “lista” that was used for the list of the Nobles (Libro d ‘Oro) as at the old days only the nobility were able to walk in this part in the city.

Today, the arcades of Liston are the busiest part of Corfu, it is filled with cafes, restaurants, and craft shops in general, and one that is busy all year round.

The walk-in front of the Liston’s arches is something that every Corfiot does and taking coffee in one of The Liston’s cafes is a daily habit for many Corfiots…

More about Corfu

Is Corfu Worth Visiting?


Corfu is definitely worth visiting. As one of Greece’s most beautiful islands, Corfu offers a unique blend of rich history, stunning landscapes, and cultural diversity.

What is Corfu best known for?


Beyond its natural beauty, what is Corfu famous for? as a melting pot of various civilizations, is famous for its architecture, traditions, and cuisine.

Corfu Musical Tradition – Literature and Intellectuals


Corfu’s rich cultural heritage features a strong musical and literary traditions that continue to shape the island’s cultural identity until today.

A map of Corfu Attractions, Sights and Monuments


Corfu, with its rich history, stunning landscapes, and vibrant culture, is a treasure trove of attractions waiting to be explored.

Living Like a Local in Corfu: Daily Life on the Island


This guide delves into what it’s like to live like a local in Corfu, offering insights into daily routines, cultural practices, and the island’s unique charm.

Exploring Corfu’s Underwater World: Spots for Snorkeling and Diving


Corfu offers some of the best snorkeling and diving spots in Greece, with crystal-clear waters, vibrant marine life, and intriguing underwater landscapes.

The Palace of St. Michael and St. George

Last updated on September 8th, 2024 at 02:12 pm

During the era of British rule, High Commissioner Sir Frederick Adams in 1819, decided to build a house for himself and his family.

But he was a little exaggerated and instead of a house he created a unique palace in a Georgian style, The Palace of Saint Michael and Saint George in Corfu

The building was designed by the English engineer Colonel Sir George Whitmore (1775-1862) and despite its enormous size is elegant and beautiful. It has been described as the best example of regency architecture outside Britain.

It is the largest palace in Greece, second only to the palace of King Otto in Athens,  which today houses the Greek parliament.

The large line of Doric columns has two gates, the Gate of St. Michael and the gate of St. George.

In the garden is the statue of commissioner Frederick Adams made by Corfiot sculptor Pavlos Prosalendis.

Outside it has carved representations of the Ionian Islands and two rows of Ionic columns surrounding the main hall, showing scenes from the Odyssey.

The first floor is decorated with Corinthian columns.

There are three main halls: the ballroom, the throne room, and the symposium room.

The palace previously housed the Ionian Senate and is the home of the Order of Saint Michael and Saint George.

For half of the century, it was also the summer residence of the former Greek royal family. Today it has been refurbished as a museum displaying classical antiquities.

A meeting of the summit of the European Union was held here in 1994.

The building looks over the north side of Spianada square on Iroon Politechniou street and also houses the Asian Art Museum and the Municipal Gallery.

More about Corfu

Is Corfu Worth Visiting?


Corfu is definitely worth visiting. As one of Greece’s most beautiful islands, Corfu offers a unique blend of rich history, stunning landscapes, and cultural diversity.

What is Corfu best known for?


Beyond its natural beauty, what is Corfu famous for? as a melting pot of various civilizations, is famous for its architecture, traditions, and cuisine.

Corfu Musical Tradition – Literature and Intellectuals


Corfu’s rich cultural heritage features a strong musical and literary traditions that continue to shape the island’s cultural identity until today.

A map of Corfu Attractions, Sights and Monuments


Corfu, with its rich history, stunning landscapes, and vibrant culture, is a treasure trove of attractions waiting to be explored.

Living Like a Local in Corfu: Daily Life on the Island


This guide delves into what it’s like to live like a local in Corfu, offering insights into daily routines, cultural practices, and the island’s unique charm.

Exploring Corfu’s Underwater World: Spots for Snorkeling and Diving


Corfu offers some of the best snorkeling and diving spots in Greece, with crystal-clear waters, vibrant marine life, and intriguing underwater landscapes.

The Old Historic Buildings of Benitses

Posted in: Benitses All Info 0

Last updated on July 27th, 2024 at 10:28 am

In Benitses there are some very old and beautiful buildings, some of them more than 5 centuries old.

We tried to collect as much information we could about the most important of them, it was really difficult as most old people who knew about are dead, and the living ones are so old that they can’t remember much or strangely don’t want to talk about.

Here is what we have learned about these houses with the promise to add as much information as we can in the future.

The tall building at the entrance of Benitses old port

This beautifully tall and slim neoclassical building was built right at the banks of the river that embarked at the old Benitses port when the main road that leads up to the old village was a river.

It must be older than 4 centuries old, but details from its early history are not known.

Vandoros old house and Kefalonitis restaurant-1960
Vandoros old house and Kefalonitis restaurant-1960

Owners during the early 20th century were the three Vandoros brothers, Memas, and Aggelos who were traders in Corfu’s Jewish sector, and Spiros who was a lawyer.

EDES, a rightwing partisan group leading by Napoleon Zervas, had its headquarters in Vandoros building from 1945 to 1949, just after the war.

Serafim was a priest living in Messonghi, who later became Archbishop, he was a member of this rightwing partisan group of EDES, he used to go around the area always riding on a horse.

An Italian family with 2 daughters was living on the first floor during the Italian occupation(1941-1943)

In the same building, on the ground floor, and after 1949, the traders Matios and Likouris open a general commercial shop, they sold potatoes, onions, etc. Οnce they have been ripped at the area of St. Jonh of pigeons by a gang of Greeks from southern Albania, their leader was the grandfather of today’s a hotelier in Corfu.

From 1953 to 1958 the ground floor was a barbershop run by Yiannis Kontos(Bourelas) and from 1958 to 1971 was one of the two kafeneions that existed in Benitses before the 80s.

This was the kafenion Skaloma named by the name of the area, indeed the area around the port and at the seaside is called Skaloma.

Benitses cafe Skaloma-1967
Benitses cafe Skaloma-1967

Today the building belongs to Bellos family as they buy it in 1971 from Spiros Vandoros.

The Grapevine Restaurant of Nikos Bellos, or else Klimataria, is operating today on the ground floor.

The other building of the photo – Finanza

The other building of the photo doesn’t exist today, it was called Finanza back at 1941 and used to be the headquarters of the Italian occupation army, many members of the resistance were severely tortured inside this building.

Later it became a restaurant owned by Stefanos Kefallonitis until it was demolished before 1974 when the square of Benitses and the new road constructed.

The building of Township

This house was built almost 3 centuries ago and owned by an Italian noble named Palaviccini.

Later it became the property of Varvitsiotis, a family of famous notaries, and after the death of the last family offspring, it was donated to the state for public use, It is known today as the Varvitsiotis Legacy.

In this building were always the offices of the local municipality, many years ago in a small office at the backside of the building while the rest was used as a customs office.

The first customs officer was someone named Harilaos Pateras, during his duty here he married Lina Kouris, a local girl from the wealthy Kouris family.

The custom office moved to Corfu in 1962.

From 1962 to 1965 a school for young women was working in the building, most of these girls were coming from other villages all over Corfu.

Yes, it sounds strange now, but in Greece of the 60s, there were schools teaching young girls how to become good housekeepers.

This school in 1965 moved a few yards further north in another building for few more years until it permanently closed down in 1972.

Girls were living inside the house and many of those met and got married to men from Benitses.

Today the first floor of the building belongs to the municipality and also houses the offices of Benitses Cultural association, while the groundfloor is hired for commercial purposes.

The building of Pagiatis family

Built by an Italian, later the owner was another Italian named Palermo.

Pagiatis house
Pagiatis house

Then the Pagiatis family stayed there for more than 4 decades and the house today belongs to them.

In this new photo, the house is completely renovated and different from the original building.

Photos with old Benitses buildings

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Angelokastro: The Castle Next to Paleokastritsa

Last updated on November 19th, 2023 at 07:08 am

Angelokastro (Angel’s Castle) in Paleokastritsa

Corfu, Aggelokastro in Paleokastritsa
Corfu, Angelokastro in Paleokastritsa

Angelokastro was the westernmost outpost of the Byzantine Empire and the Despotate of Epirus to which Corfu belonged until 1267 AD, it is near the village of Krini north of Paleokastritsa next to a monastery.

Built in the early 12th century AD by the Despot of Epirus Duke Michael-Angelos Komnenos the second, therefore the name Angel’s Castle, and in its prime, in an emergency, it could protect the entire population of the region, about 4000 people.

Inside the castle, two large water tanks and the churches of the Holy Archangels and Agia Kiriaki are preserved.

The church of the Archangels was built in 1784 on the site of an older church.

Agia Kiriaki was built inside a small cave and has 18th-century paintings.

Angelokastro(Angel’s castle) saw many sieges but never fell except once to the Venetians after a six-month siege in 1386.

In 1537 only 8 soldiers of his guard with the help of the residents were needed in order to repel the attack of Barbarossa.

The Turks tried again and failed to conquer the Castle in 1571.

The villages around got their names from the soldiers who took pieces of land to settle on when they retired.

Examples are Makris-Makrades, Vistonas-Vistonas, Doukas-Doukades, Aspiotis-Aspiotades, Kabbadias-Kabbadades, etc.

Today the castle is still standing at the top of the rock and it is a strong tourist attraction, a well-preserved piece of history for this magnificent island.

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The Palace of St. Michael and St. George


During the era of the British rule in Corfu, High Commissioner Sir Frederick Adams in 1819 decided to build the Palace of Saint Michael and George

Angelokastro: The Castle Next to Paleokastritsa


Angelokastro was the westernmost outpost of the Byzantine Empire and the Despotate of Epirus to which Corfu belonged until 1267 AD, it is near the village of Krini north of Paleokastritsa.

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Corfu Blue Bus Routes and Timetable 2024

Posted in: Corfu Travel Information 1

Last updated on August 31st, 2024 at 08:30 pm

Blue bus Timetables for all lines

Blue bus starting point in Saroko Corfu
The blue bus starting point in Saroko Corfu

Corfu Blue bus starting points are located at two points on Saroko Square and at one point low on Methodiou Avenue.

Click on the pdf for All line’s detailed timetables.

Blue Bus Timetable for 2024

Open the pdf files for timetables(Clickable)

The Corfu Blue Bus company has very frequent routes with some villages around Corfu, on the island’s urban fabric.

It connects Corfu town with 12 destinations.

  • Line 7 with Dassia and Ipsos
  • Line No. 2a with Kanoni and Pontikonisi
  • Line 6 with Benitses
  • Line No. 10 with Achilleion
  • Line No. 11 the city with Pelekas
  • Line 8 with Saint John (Aqualand)
  • Line 5 with the villages Kouramades and Kinopiastes
  • Line 14 with Kanalia and Kompitsi
  • Line 4 with Potamos and Evropouli
  • Line 2b with Kefalomandouko
  • Finally, line 15 makes two routes, one to and from the Airport and the other one going to and from the Port.

How do you travel inside Corfu?

The best way to go around Corfu is by bus or car. From the green bus station, there are lines to almost every good place on the island even the most remote.

But if you hire a car things are quick and easy, the roads are ok and there are signs everywhere. Also using a navigator app on your phone or at least a good map of Corfu can help further.

More Corfu Travel Information

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Corfu is definitely worth visiting. As one of Greece’s most beautiful islands, Corfu offers a unique blend of rich history, stunning landscapes, and cultural diversity.

A map of Corfu Attractions, Sights and Monuments


Corfu, with its rich history, stunning landscapes, and vibrant culture, is a treasure trove of attractions waiting to be explored.

Living Like a Local in Corfu: Daily Life on the Island


This guide delves into what it’s like to live like a local in Corfu, offering insights into daily routines, cultural practices, and the island’s unique charm.

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Corfu offers some of the best snorkeling and diving spots in Greece, with crystal-clear waters, vibrant marine life, and intriguing underwater landscapes.

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Bilingual Corfu Map With English Names

Posted in: Corfu Areas Maps 0

Last updated on July 13th, 2024 at 06:44 am

This is a new Map of Corfu island in Greece, all names in Greek and English language.

All the dense Corfu’s road network with the main, smaller, and rural roads is on this map, plus all major villages and places and the smaller settlements around the island.

Corfu Greece map
Corfu Greece map

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Kavos map


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Moraitika and Messonghi map


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