Corfu Old Fortress And The Old British Hospital

Last updated on September 8th, 2024 at 02:12 pm

Corfu Old Fortress Location

The Corfu Old Fortress is situated on a small rocky peninsula, a natural stronghold on the eastern border of the medieval citadel of Corfu.

Originally, it was a natural promontory that provided protection to the inhabitants from the 5th century AD onwards, when the city of Corfu was relocated here following the destruction of the ancient city by the Visigoths. It was on this site that the people constructed the first medieval city, known as the Citadel.

Undoubtedly, the Corfu Old Fortress is the most significant monument and a must-visit attraction in Corfu Town.

The compact medieval city within the fortress has been separated from the mainland since the Venetian era by a narrow moat. However, today, visitors can easily access it via the bridge constructed by the Venetians.

The Byzantines had already utilized this promontory as a natural fortification for the early medieval town from the 5th century CE. Between 1300 and 1700, the Venetians further fortified it to safeguard the island from potential invaders.

Its strategic position along the coastline, along with its elevated vantage points, facilitated the early detection of approaching boats on the horizon, providing ample time to alert the island’s inhabitants to potential threats. During your visit, you will have the opportunity to view some of the original weapons used for defense and enjoy breathtaking views of the sea.

You will be amazed at how conveniently located the Old Fortress is to the city, making it easily accessible regardless of your mode of transportation. In fact, you can even walk there if you have the entire day to spare!


The Corfu Old Fortress features two peaks, or ‘koryfes’ (also spelled ‘korfes’): one in the East, where the Sea Tower was originally constructed by the Byzantines around the 7th century AD, and the Western peak, known as the Land Tower.

During the 8th century AD, the Byzantines fully transformed it into a fortress, encompassing the entire small medieval town along with military barracks.

The rocky stronghold received continuous reinforcement, either by the Angevins or later by the Venetians, to defend against the numerous invasions during the Middle Ages. Gradually, the town expanded around it.

In response to the threat posed by the Ottomans, the Venetians bolstered their fortifications, extended the bastions, and excavated a moat known as the ‘kontra fossa,’ effectively isolating the fortress from the mainland and turning it into an island.

During the final period of Venetian rule, the area in front of the Fortress underwent a significant transformation as nearly 3,000 houses were demolished. This was done for defensive purposes and is how Corfu acquired its spacious Esplanade square that we see today.

This strategic development allowed the Venetians to establish an impenetrable triple line of defense, both on land and from the sea.

Buildings inside the Old fortress

Inside the old fortress, in 1840, the Doric church of St. George was constructed by the British as a garrison church.

During the Venetian era, numerous buildings were erected as it functioned as a small town. However, most of these structures did not survive and have since been demolished. The ones that remain are primarily those built by the British.

Of particular note are the central gate, the bastions of Savornian, Martinengo, and Mandraki, the Land Tower in the West, and the Sea Tower in the East. Other significant structures include the English hospital, the English barracks, the clock tower, and the lighthouse.

Within the fortress, a prison built by the Venetians in 1786, later expanded by the British, is still in place. Additionally, you can find the military chapel and two English barracks from 1850.

The lower part of the British military hospital now houses the Music Department of Ionian University.

Furthermore, the fortress serves as the repository of historical records spanning over six centuries of history, a Byzantine collection featuring sculptures and images from the Byzantine era, and a public library.

At the entrance of the old fortress on the upper Esplanade, you’ll encounter the statue of Prussian Marshal Johann Matthias von der Schulenburg, crafted by the Venetians in his honor for successfully repelling the Turkish invasion of 1716.

Today, the Corfu Old Fortress stands as a masterpiece of architectural and fortification art, offering visitors the finest panoramic views of the city, its harbor, and the sea extending to the mountains of Epirus.

The British Hospital

One of the significant structures that still stands within the Corfu Old Fortress is the British hospital.

In fact, there were two buildings: the larger one situated at the upper level, positioned between the Sea Tower and the Land Tower, and the smaller one at a lower level. Here, we will focus on the larger building.

The British colonists constructed this building in 1814 to serve as Corfu town’s second hospital since the larger hospital was situated in the Liston area.

The Corfu Old Fortress Hospital had the capacity to treat up to 120 patients. Throughout its history, it functioned primarily as a hospital. Initially, it served during the British colonial rule of the island, then throughout the 19th century, and later during both World War I and World War II.

However, there was a dark period for the building and the city during the occupation by Axis forces. First, the Italians, and later the Germans, used it as their headquarters. Executions and tortures within its walls transformed this life-saving facility into a place of death and anguish.

A hole in its floor, known as the “kokkaliera” or “bone hole,” was used by occupiers to dispose of the bodies of executed individuals or those who died after torture.

Following the German occupation, the Greek army took control of the building, sealed the bone hole, and used it for bureaucratic army services.

Regrettably, the building is now abandoned. It has given rise to various legends and is often considered one of the most haunted buildings in Greece. Many claim to have experienced paranormal activity within its walls, including sightings of executions, dark figures at the windows, screams, voices pleading for help, and even gunfire.

There is also a document in a local newspaper from 1982 that discusses similar rumors. It is our belief that these legends have emerged from the fear generated by the eerie atmosphere inside an abandoned building, characterized by its vast empty rooms, broken doors, and windows through which the wind’s howling sounds akin to screams. The building’s almost collapsed roof adds to the overall sense of unease it evokes.

Corfu Old Fortress Opening Hours

8:00 AM to 8:00 PM

But first, let’s clarify a few things.

The Corfu Old Fortress today resembles a small island, adorned with historic buildings, churches, old prisons, barracks, museums, and public services. It houses various offices, including the Ephorate of Antiquities of Corfu, departments of the Ionian University, military services, and even a café bar, among others.

Consequently, it’s challenging to provide precise opening hours since they vary, and certain government buildings may not be accessible to visitors.

However, the Old Fortress area remains open to the public as its main entrance never closes, allowing anyone to enter and explore the historical monuments.

Most museums within the fortress are open to the public from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM.

It’s important to note that the Music Department of the Ionian University is not open to the public; it is exclusively accessible to students.

More about Corfu

Is Corfu Worth Visiting?


Corfu is definitely worth visiting. As one of Greece’s most beautiful islands, Corfu offers a unique blend of rich history, stunning landscapes, and cultural diversity.

What is Corfu best known for?


Beyond its natural beauty, what is Corfu famous for? as a melting pot of various civilizations, is famous for its architecture, traditions, and cuisine.

Corfu Musical Tradition – Literature and Intellectuals


Corfu’s rich cultural heritage features a strong musical and literary traditions that continue to shape the island’s cultural identity until today.

A map of Corfu Attractions, Sights and Monuments


Corfu, with its rich history, stunning landscapes, and vibrant culture, is a treasure trove of attractions waiting to be explored.

Living Like a Local in Corfu: Daily Life on the Island


This guide delves into what it’s like to live like a local in Corfu, offering insights into daily routines, cultural practices, and the island’s unique charm.

Exploring Corfu’s Underwater World: Spots for Snorkeling and Diving


Corfu offers some of the best snorkeling and diving spots in Greece, with crystal-clear waters, vibrant marine life, and intriguing underwater landscapes.

The Bell Tower of Annunziata in Corfu

Last updated on September 8th, 2024 at 02:13 pm

Annunziata, a monument of pan-European significance

Annunziata was a church devoted to the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary as well as to Santa Luccia, at the intersection of Evgeniou Voulgareos and Vrahlioti streets in Corfu, it was the Catholic Church of Lontsiada as the Corfiots knew it.

Built at the end of the 14th century by the Napoletán captain Petró Capece and dedicated to the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary since March 25th is the date of the founding of the Venetian Republic.

At the inauguration ceremony where all the nobles of Corfu attended, Petró Capece handed over the church to the Order of the Augustinians, giving Nicolo Russino, a representative of the battalion, a commemorative stick, a symbol of the transfer.

Today the church does not exist, first destroyed by the German bombings on September 14th, 1943 and later, instead of being repaired, it was demolished without a serious reason in 1953 during the mandate of the mayor Stamatios Dessylas.

It is not the only monument in Corfu that has been demolished without reason, the same has happened with the old municipal theater, so did with Porta Reale, the main gate of the old city

Today, only the characteristic bell tower of Annunziata remains stand, which is a monument of pan-European significance, this is due to its relationship with one of the most important events of world history.

One of the greatest naval battles of all time was the naval battle of Nafpaktos in 1571 among the fleets of the Holy Alliance, ie the united fleets of Venice, Spain, Naples, Sicily, Genoa, and Malta against the Ottoman’s (undefeated until then) Turkish fleet.

In the naval battle that took place in the bay of Patras opposite Nafpaktos, the Turkish fleet was completely destroyed, since its 251 ships were sunk or captured, and of the 50,000 Turkish soldiers and sailors over 20.000 were killed.

In Turkish ships also served about 1500 Greeks from the Turkish-occupied Greece who after the battle were released.

Many of the Latin nobles who lost their lives during the naval battle of Nafpaktos were buried in this church, so this is the reason for the historical significance of the monument.
After the demolition of the church, the bones of those Heroes were transferred to the Catholic cemetery.

Among the dead Christians were the Corfiots Halikiopoulos, Kontokalis, Kokkinis, and Petros Bouas.

PETROS BOUAS became the Martyr of Freedom, he had the misfortune to be captured, the Turks dangled him alive and presented his skin as loot to the Sultan.

Today efforts are being made to maintain and emerge the monument, but sometimes plans change, sometimes they are abandoned after they encounter various obstacles such as political feats, impotence, disclaimer …

Who is going to Save Annunziata?

More about Corfu

Is Corfu Worth Visiting?


Corfu is definitely worth visiting. As one of Greece’s most beautiful islands, Corfu offers a unique blend of rich history, stunning landscapes, and cultural diversity.

What is Corfu best known for?


Beyond its natural beauty, what is Corfu famous for? as a melting pot of various civilizations, is famous for its architecture, traditions, and cuisine.

Corfu Musical Tradition – Literature and Intellectuals


Corfu’s rich cultural heritage features a strong musical and literary traditions that continue to shape the island’s cultural identity until today.

A map of Corfu Attractions, Sights and Monuments


Corfu, with its rich history, stunning landscapes, and vibrant culture, is a treasure trove of attractions waiting to be explored.

Living Like a Local in Corfu: Daily Life on the Island


This guide delves into what it’s like to live like a local in Corfu, offering insights into daily routines, cultural practices, and the island’s unique charm.

Exploring Corfu’s Underwater World: Spots for Snorkeling and Diving


Corfu offers some of the best snorkeling and diving spots in Greece, with crystal-clear waters, vibrant marine life, and intriguing underwater landscapes.

Rovinia Beach: How To Visit This Corfu Gem

Last updated on September 5th, 2024 at 09:49 am

Where is Rovinia Beach?

Rovinia Beach is located in the area of Liapades in western Corfu, just south of Liapades Beach and the rocky shores of Paleokastritsa.

Small, remote, beautiful, and unspoiled. The shore is a mix of pebbles and a little sand.

The famous cave at its southern edge, where the high rocks hide the sun and give a blessing shadow, is the highlight of this small paradise and a perfect location for some photos as you or your loved ones enter the cave.

It is perhaps the most beautiful of the hidden beaches in western Corfu, considered by many tourists as the top beach in Corfu.

Map with the 5 most famous beaches around Rovinia

Corfu’s western coastal mountain range collapses steeply into the sea creating a natural dam of the coast from the island’s interior.

Rovinia, therefore, is accessible from the sea as well as from the land through a small path with steps, about 600 meters long, unlike the other isolated beaches of the area which are accessible only by the sea.

It is deserted, therefore not very crowded, with fine pebbles, little sand, and a turquoise crystal clear sea in a landscape of exceptional natural beauty, it could be a nudist beach.

It is a small petal-shaped beach, almost surrounded by tall rocks on both sides, these rocks at its southern end creating a small but spectacular cave.

Waters in Rovinia are crystal clear, fairly cold, almost frozen, as well as in the whole area of Paleokastritsa, due to the cold streams from the Adriatic that end up on these coasts.

They deepen abruptly, so the beach is also suitable for those who want to dive into the surrounding rocks. Therefore someone has to be careful with children.

There is a canteen boat close to the cave, in the shadow, that comes every day and offers ice cream and refreshments at cheap prices.

How to Visit Rovinia Beach

We said already that the beach is easily accessible by the sea by getting a sea taxi from Gefyra Beach in Paleokastritsa.

But if you decide to go there from the land using your car and foot, you need a small guide as it can be a little complicated.

First, it’s important on your way to Liapades Beaсh, to find a supermarket called Athena.

There is a small road on its left side which you must follow.

If after 40 yards you arrive at a small crοssroad – then you are on the right path.

There you must turn to the right, just after the turn you must see a sign pointing to Rovinia. You can take this road in your car with extra care as it is small and with many slops.

After about 300 meters there is a small parking area where you must leave your vehicle and follow the steps down to the beach. Here we are, in Rovinia Beach!

A beach worth visiting

When we first visited, and that was a couple of years ago, we had the impression that we had been there before, or to be more precise we found ourselves on a very similar beach many years ago, but we certainly do not remember where.

It is the famous Deja vu, this beach looks amazingly the same in all with a beach we have been to and exists either in Lesvos or Lemnos islands in the Aegean sea, but we certainly do not remember the place or the name …

After all, Greece has so many beautiful places that resemble each other.

We loved our time in Rovinia, therefore we try to convince you to visit it, it is worth the effort as those who have been there say, as well as the very positive comments by many tourists.

Here are some pictures from Rovinia

See: The Best Beaches in Corfu

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Map With Corfu Beaches By Type

Last updated on August 31st, 2024 at 08:34 pm

Explore this map with Corfu beaches by type, indexing from large sandy shores to secluded pebbly coves, and find the perfect spot for your visit.

This new Map shows a more complete picture to the users about the type of beach they are going to visit.

There are all the large sandy beaches, the well-organized sandy beaches, the organized beaches with pebbles, the mixed with sand and pebbles, the small and isolated sandy or pebbles, etc.

Just look at the memo to see how the different types of beaches are categorized.

Map With Corfu Beaches By Type

Map With Corfu Beaches By Type
Map With Corfu Beaches By Type

This is another Map with the most known beaches of Corfu island.
On this map, there are the most known small and large beaches around the coastal line of Corfu island.

Corfu Beaches map
Corfu Beaches map

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Posted in: Corfu Areas Maps 0

Last updated on October 6th, 2023 at 09:30 am

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Map with distances in Corfu
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Petriti and Boukari map


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Moraitika and Messonghi map


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Map of Beaches in Corfu Island

Posted in: Corfu Areas Maps 0

Last updated on October 6th, 2023 at 09:30 am

Map with the most known beaches of Corfu island.
In this map there are the most known small and large beaches around the coastal line of Corfu island.

Corfu Beaches map
Corfu Beaches map

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Maps of Corfu Areas and Nearby Islands


Maps of Corfu areas and close to Corfu islands. Paxos – Antipaxos, Diapontia, Sidari, Messonghi and Moraitika, Petriti-Boukari and Kavos.

Petriti and Boukari map


Map for Petriti and Boukari. These are two small fishing villages on the East coast of Corfu, about 20 miles from the town.

Sidari map: All the Area Up to Peroulades With Details


This is a large detailed map of the Sidari wide tourist area, from an area near Roda up to Peroulades.

Kavos map


A map of the Kavos area. The most popular tourist destination on the island among the young British tourists because of its rich and notorious nightlife

Moraitika and Messonghi map


A map for the tourist area of Messonghi and Moraitika on the southeast side of Corfu. Some of the most touristic development villages of Corfu, with the only sandy beach of Corfu’s East seaside.

Diapontia Islands Map: Othonoi, Ereikoussa, and Mathraki


A map of Diapontia islands, Othonoi, Ereikoussa and Mathraki, along with some smaller as Diakopo, Diaplo, Karavi, Lipso, etc.

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