Video with Old Gravures of Corfu

Posted in: Corfu Videos 0

Last updated on October 6th, 2023 at 11:58 am

This small video is just a slideshow, made using some old gravoures of places around the city and the island of Corfu

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Flight over Corfu Town

Posted in: Corfu Videos 0

Last updated on October 6th, 2023 at 11:58 am

Our friend Nikos Mezitis flying over Corfu town with his glider, the flight is around the Esplanade square, the Old fortress and the Saint Michael and George palace.

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Coasts and Villages of Corfu: A Unique Video


This video shows that Corfu is beautiful always, during winter is well, and perhaps in winter, it’s even better.

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Benitses at Winter of 2017 from a Drone


Benitses of 2017 with the drone of Nektarios Spinoulas. It is his first attempt, a very good result overall.

Benitses Ex Workers Reunion 2014

Posted in: News 0

Last updated on October 6th, 2023 at 12:18 pm

Benitses workers Reunion June 21st 2014

21st of June, the reunion of reunions? we work to make it so

Are ya coming to the reunion of reunions?
Open to all ex Benitses workers and reps from any era.
Meet up with old friends, workmates (and conquests) from the best time of our lives in the place we all hold close to our hearts.

Reunion 2013 was absolutely brilliant. 2014 is gonna be HUGE!!

Open to all ex Benitses workers and reps from any era.

The chance to re-visit and re-live the best days of our lives, with old friends and in the resort that we all love.

The facebook group for this reunion is here:

U re welcome to join the group and find details and info on how to joint the real event too, u are welcome to the big Reunion in Benitses.

The announcement by one of the organizer’s Chris Alexander:

Well, It’s official, the reunion festivities will start on June 21st! I hope you are all starting to get excited. Lots of people have booked their flights so all you out there who haven’t and want to come, get on and book it!

So the planned itinerary is as follows:
Saturday 21st June is Reunion party night at the Stadium, dress code; your Benitses worker’s uniforms/T-shirts

Sunday 22nd June 3 till 6 pm hangover pool party at the stadium pool where the bar will be open and lots of pool games!

Other events for those stopping for a week or more;

A day trip on mass to Marathias beach for more laughs.

Night yet to be arranged but Linda Hutton has kindly agreed to host a BBQ at hers with us all chipping in to share the cost.

Thursday 19th June there are World Cup qualifying games, England at 10 pm and Greece at 1 am (Greek time). Dress code: England T-shirts and flags AND togas so bring a bedsheet!

Most importantly spend time catching up and reminiscing with all your friends, and places that mean so much to you when you worked there.

Please feel free to suggest any other events on here but we are sure that when we are all together the ideas will flow and as happened last year spontaneous piss ups will occur day and night!

Ps to all the ’80s and 90’s DJ’s that are coming can you let me know if you want to do a set on the reunion night for old times sake and a laugh.

Below are some pics from last year’s meeting (July 2013)

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COVID-19 Pandemic: Coronavirus Breaking News


The disease caused by the new Coronavirus was named COVID-19 and despite early predictions, within a short time, it spread beyond the borders of China, around the world.

A Letter from Coronavirus to Humanity


Hi people, I’m COVID-19.
Many of you simply know me as Coronavirus. So yes. I’m SARS-CoV-2 and this is my message to Humanity.

FC Iraklis Agioi Deka – FC Benitses


An episodic Derby became today at the small stadium of Agioi Deka, from one side the experience and strong football team of Benitses and the other the young and very fast team of the spectators

Pie Cutting of Football Club Benitses


On Monday at 6 pm the Athletic Football Association of Benitses cut the New Years’ pie in the Community`s building Hall

FC Benitses – FC Kavos 3-2, March 15th 2014


After 3 games without a win, at last, a victory for our team over the first in ranking F.C Kavos with a score 3-2

Alexa Toolbar: Service Closes Down But Still Works!


If you can’t live without Alexa, you can install this Firefox plugin and still get access to the Alexa ranking system, which is still alive and counting!

Corfu mountain trail 2014

Corfu Mountain Trail 2014

Posted in: Corfu Culture and Events 0

Last updated on November 19th, 2023 at 07:07 am

Corfu mountain trail
Corfu mountain trail

Update: Corfu Mountain Trail in Benitses has been abandoned since 2015, this post has only historical value.

3rd CORFU MOUNTAIN TRAIL was successfully held today 2-2-2014

Despite the cold and rainy weather this year’s 3rd CORFU MOUNTAIN TRAIL in Benitses had great success.

The starting time was at 8 AM as scheduled for both routes of 17 and 37 km respectively.
Volunteers and organizers gave their best and everything worked flawlessly, with the participation of 293 athletes from all over Greece that exceeded all expectations and despite the rain and cold, a large number of people were at the starting point during the whole event.

As athletes said the path was difficult and slippery, also the rain made conditions difficult but also the beautiful mountain scenery more spectacular, something that helped almost all athletes to finish normally, only three of them did not make it.

We wish and hope that next year the event will have even greater success and more participants.

«CORFU MOUNTAIN TRAIL» – How it started

Two years ago some Corfiots in sport conceived the idea of a race that would fit in the diverse landscape of Corfu and at the same time would be quite difficult to attract participation from all over Greece and slowly established itself as a major race event among many others already conducted throughout the country.

What more appropriate than the very beautiful verdant landscape of Corfu and particularly that of the central mountainous region of the island.

So some people thought that a race run in this mountainous terrain would have great response and success but also a large degree of difficulty enough to attract big names and become nationally and internationally known.

The area in and around Benitses was considered as the most suitable, indeed Benitses as a tourist center that has the ability to host an unlimited number of athletes and escorts also have the infrastructure and large open spaces suitable for starting, stopping and install of technical infrastructure for full monitoring and control of the entire route.
Also, the constant population growth in recent years makes Benitses a small town rather than a village, infrastructure and the position of Benitses also help furthermore.

The route from Benitses to the surrounding villages is large enough to hold two races, a 17 km route and a route of 37 kilometers, both within an area of outstanding natural beauty, full of olive groves, these races will help to highlight the natural environment of the exceptional beauty of this part of our island.

If you combine the fact that the long race is slightly smaller than a marathon as well that this is done on mountain trails with steep slopes and many alternations are easily perceived that the degree of difficulty is greater than a marathon.

So in the winter of 2011 held the first race with sufficient success, resulting in the continuation of the second race running in mountainous terrain in February 2013 under the name «CORFU MOUNTAIN TRAIL 2013» with even greater success and appearances.

The race has now become known nationwide and this year was organized and held on Sunday, 2 February 2014 the 3rd mountainous terrain race run under the name «CORFU MOUNTAIN TRAIL 2014».

The race was organized by the «CORFU MOUNTAIN TRAIL» and held in the standard path on the geographic unit designated by the villages of Benitses, Gastouri, Agioi Deka, Kato Garouna and Stavros.

As the time limit for completion of the 17km race is the time of four (4 ) hours and a time limit for completion of the 37 km race is the time of eight (8 ) hours.

Valid athletes are those who finish within the time limit.
The elevation difference of long-stroke (RAIN TRAIL) is 2020 meters and the small (OLIVE TREE TRAIL) is 1000 meters.


Men and women over the age of 18 have the right to participate in the race. The age of 18 must be fulfilled at the date of the race. Athletes under the age of 18 are allowed to participate only with an affirmation signed by the parent or guardian.

The sports event consists of three parts:

MOUNTAIN TRAIL RUNNING RACE with two optional routes: OLIVE TREE TRAIL (17km) & RAIN TRAIL (37km)
HIKING ROUTE with a length of 5 km
KIDS RACE 1000 meters at the square of Benitses, for pupils of Elementary School. There will be two categories: Girls up to 12 years old and boys up to 12, born after 2002. The Kids Race is sponsored by the Corfiot Gym Association and the TE Segas.
NOTE: Because of the bad weather This year’s children’s race was postponed until next Sunday and will be held in the town of Corfu, specifically in the position of the Esplanade square.


The cost to participate in the race of 37 km is € 30 and 17 km is € 20.
More information on what the package includes, ie participation as commemorative medals, electronic timing, security, catering, seminars from coaches before the match, rehabilitation massage, meals, gifts, etc.

Regarding the accommodation of athletes and escorts, accommodation have been secured in Benitses, the price will be low and will vary each year depending, see details on the organization’s site.


1) Men (18-40) born from 01.01.1974 to 02.02.1996,
2)Men Veteran (41-55) born 1959-1973 and 55 and over (1958 +)
3)Women (18-40) born from 1996 to 1974,
4)Women Veteran (41 +) 1973 +


The first place of each category and each track will get a cup and a medal. Second and third place will receive a medal. All athletes who finish within the time limit receive a memorial medal and a participation diploma.


It is recommended to all athletes to have a flask to supply with water from the provision points and therefore have hydration autonomy, a raincoat in case of rain, and a cell phone.

More about Corfu

What is Corfu best known for?


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Disasters in Benitses Due to Heavy Rain of November 17, 2010

Posted in: News 0

Last updated on October 6th, 2023 at 12:18 pm

The flood in Benitses at 17-11-2010

On the evening of 16th-17th November 2010 in Corfu, the heavens opened, and the quantity of water that fell within 2 hours far exceeded the 150 mm, which was the total rainfall in some other areas throughout the year.

This, coupled with the unregulated changes made to the environment following the rerouting of the river developments that had been made in recent years along its course, caused the river to overflow so that parked cars drifted away, homes and basements flooded, and generally caused damage seen for the first time our region.

An important role in blocking the free flow of water in the river was played by the sanitation and water pipes which held large amounts of wood and other rubbish, and so the water flooded with these catastrophic results.
In the video below we see typical scenes after the rain, cars carried away and crushed, bikes in the sea, flooded houses, and uneven flooded streets.

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The disease caused by the new Coronavirus was named COVID-19 and despite early predictions, within a short time, it spread beyond the borders of China, around the world.

A Letter from Coronavirus to Humanity


Hi people, I’m COVID-19.
Many of you simply know me as Coronavirus. So yes. I’m SARS-CoV-2 and this is my message to Humanity.

FC Iraklis Agioi Deka – FC Benitses


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Pie Cutting of Football Club Benitses


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FC Benitses – FC Kavos 3-2, March 15th 2014


After 3 games without a win, at last, a victory for our team over the first in ranking F.C Kavos with a score 3-2

Alexa Toolbar: Service Closes Down But Still Works!


If you can’t live without Alexa, you can install this Firefox plugin and still get access to the Alexa ranking system, which is still alive and counting!

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