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Last updated on May 30th, 2022 at 11:14 am

A large collection of about 120 photos of Greece between the years 1903 to 1930, taken from the camera of philhellene Swiss photographer Fred Boissonnas.

Greece of 1900 – 1930 with More Old Photos


More old photos from Greece of 1903-1930, photos by Fred Boissonnas that show a quiet and different world

150 Old Photos From Greece [1900] by Fred Boissonnas


The Philhellene Swiss photographer Fred Boissonnas(1858-1946) was the first foreign photographer who traveled so much in the Greek land from 1903 and for nearly three decades following

Panorama with Photos and Landscapes from Greece of 1900 – 1930


Here are some elder Greek pictures from 1900 to 1930, photos from the period before the first world war
