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Benitses Ex Workers Reunion 2014

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Last updated on October 6th, 2023 at 12:18 pm

Benitses workers Reunion June 21st 2014

21st of June, the reunion of reunions? we work to make it so

Are ya coming to the reunion of reunions?
Open to all ex Benitses workers and reps from any era.
Meet up with old friends, workmates (and conquests) from the best time of our lives in the place we all hold close to our hearts.

Reunion 2013 was absolutely brilliant. 2014 is gonna be HUGE!!

Open to all ex Benitses workers and reps from any era.

The chance to re-visit and re-live the best days of our lives, with old friends and in the resort that we all love.

The facebook group for this reunion is here:

U re welcome to join the group and find details and info on how to joint the real event too, u are welcome to the big Reunion in Benitses.

The announcement by one of the organizer’s Chris Alexander:

Well, It’s official, the reunion festivities will start on June 21st! I hope you are all starting to get excited. Lots of people have booked their flights so all you out there who haven’t and want to come, get on and book it!

So the planned itinerary is as follows:
Saturday 21st June is Reunion party night at the Stadium, dress code; your Benitses worker’s uniforms/T-shirts

Sunday 22nd June 3 till 6 pm hangover pool party at the stadium pool where the bar will be open and lots of pool games!

Other events for those stopping for a week or more;

A day trip on mass to Marathias beach for more laughs.

Night yet to be arranged but Linda Hutton has kindly agreed to host a BBQ at hers with us all chipping in to share the cost.

Thursday 19th June there are World Cup qualifying games, England at 10 pm and Greece at 1 am (Greek time). Dress code: England T-shirts and flags AND togas so bring a bedsheet!

Most importantly spend time catching up and reminiscing with all your friends, and places that mean so much to you when you worked there.

Please feel free to suggest any other events on here but we are sure that when we are all together the ideas will flow and as happened last year spontaneous piss ups will occur day and night!

Ps to all the ’80s and 90’s DJ’s that are coming can you let me know if you want to do a set on the reunion night for old times sake and a laugh.

Below are some pics from last year’s meeting (July 2013)

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