Petriti and Boukari map
Map for Petriti and Boukari. These are two small fishing villages on the East coast of Corfu, about 20 miles from the town.
Map for Petriti and Boukari. These are two small fishing villages on the East coast of Corfu, about 20 miles from the town.
This is a large detailed map of the Sidari wide tourist area, from an area near Roda up to Peroulades.
A map of the Kavos area. The most popular tourist destination on the island among the young British tourists because of its rich and notorious nightlife
A map for the tourist area of Messonghi and Moraitika on the southeast side of Corfu. Some of the most touristic development villages of Corfu, with the only sandy beach of Corfu’s East seaside.
A map of Diapontia islands, Othonoi, Ereikoussa and Mathraki, along with some smaller as Diakopo, Diaplo, Karavi, Lipso, etc.
Benitses maps in large size showing in such detail all small roads, paths, and landscape, this map of Benitses is the only one that exists in such a size.