\nKaetai(mou) = seems to me
\nKazo = fact
\nKazo mplanko = grand fact
\nKazo pensato = premeditated action
\nKazo atsintente = accident
\nKaltsa mpraga = men’s socks of nobility
\nKamara nta ritsebere = hall vestibule
\nKamara nti tsibile = Mansion living room
\nKantaros = earthenware, basin
\nKanto = song
\nKapo nte fiori = cauliflower
\nKapos = cheef
\nKarlakas = frog
\nKastike (mou) = I thought
\nKentroma = grafting onto trees
\nKikara = cup
\nKabalos = jacks and decks because these cards have knights (kavalarrides = horsemen)
\nKabaloutsi = carrying someone on the back
\nKabatzaro = i go pass someone
\nKadinatso = iron dragster
\nKakontramados = bad dressed man
\nKalopezoulos = honest
\nKalohairetis = polite
\nKamalimagkou = at last
\nKamiziola = short women’s traditional jacket
\nKampoula = smoke or fog
\nKanaleto = gutter, gutter for rainwater
\nKantsoneta = popular song
\nKantouni = narrow street
\nKantsilieris = secretary
\nKaouriko = very hot pepper
\nKapitolo prompatori = strong evidence
\nKapatsaro = tame
\nKapolaboro = artifice
\nKapouralos = the boss
\nKarataro = count
\nKaratelo = large barel
\nKapotsino = small carriage
\nKartelo = small barel
\nKartezi = 1\/8 of a galon
\nKartoutso = 1\/4 of a liter
\nKasadoura = the door frame
\nKasaforte = safe deposit box
\nKastelanos = castle owner
\nKatsibelo = inferior, insignificant
\nKenono = serving
\nKi ‘anteso = and now what?
\nKlaniola = fart tool
\nKlitsinari = long branch
\nKoitasi = fall in sleep
\nKogionaro = make fun of
\nKokariki = the pit of the olive
\nKolarina = tie
\nKoletantes = dressed with tie
\nKoliantza = diarrhea
\nKoloentses = affections
\nKolompimpiri = sup with just pasta
\nKolorados = colored
\nKolpiro or Korpiro = get very tired
\nKomintoro i pomintoro = tomato
\nKompebelos = reactionary
\nKonsaro = foist
\nKontrampado = smuggling
\nKontraposta = controversial position
\nKonfermados = confirmed
\nKourtelatsa = stone quay
\nKouarelaro = stair with the eyes
\nKougiampalo = old fart
\nKoukounaki = sitting on the knees
\nKouraro = I care
\nKornoutos = cuckold
\nKoutelitis = bad wine that makes your head bad
\nKoutseli = small dog
\nKoutsoheristika or koutsoheriastika = my hands got tired
\nKouhtio = old crippled man
\nKratimara = paralysis of the hands
\nKroubentziana = Hide and seek, children’s game
\nKryogatsoulo = someone who feels very cold
\nKonkses = stubbornness
\nKotolo = traditional dress for old women
\nMores kai katsides = curse
\nNtale kouale = the same
\nOhia kai monomerida = answer to an unpleasant refusal
\nTarantela Kariera = posting boat
\nFora Kolompa = he took it all in stride
Words starting with Lamda<\/h3>\n\n
\nLampena = kind of fish of the deep
\nLahtisa = i felt pain
\nLikasma = infection, mainly in the mouth
\nLinto = diluted, weak
\nLitsino = made from wood of olive tree
\nLabadouros = sink
\nLabamas = sink
\nLabomanos = sink
\nLaboro = work
\nLaggeyei = his eye is flying
\nLamasa = pdefiant or large unruly woman
\nLapante = clean
\nLaourentis = master’s assistant, mainly in construction
\nLapresta = quicly
\nLarono = Calming down
\nLementados = complaining
\nLetrina = toilet
\nLefti psomi = loaf
\nLeyterida = bat
\nLigathinos = weak, getting ill easy
\nLigkio = hiccup
\nLikazo = I get just a little taste, I don’t have time to eat it..
\nLikasionas = slug
\nLimpa = the balls
\nLionteritsino = castor oil
\nLiosta = olive mill waste
\nLougretsio = very old woman
\nLouta = I got completely wet
Words starting with Mi<\/h3>\n\n
\nMamalos = limp
\nMantoles = almonds with sugar
\nMantzaro =\u00a0 I eat
\nMoustakas = cricket
\nMiligkas = meninges
\nMazeni = tool for grinding coffee
\nMakarontsini = short and small macaroni
\nMalathraki = disease of skin and spirit, has a lump on the head (malakia)
\nMantekouto = stroke
\nMargomenos = numb
\nMarkantiko = grosery shop
\nMastelo = vessels for washing clothes
\nMatsola = wooden hammer
\nMeliggitis = miniggitis
\nMi siftakeis = to fail to reach
\nMiatzimias = at once
\nMinaro = masturbate
\nMintzibiris = skimpy
\nMorofinto = middle wall
\nMorseto = wooden vise
\nMorozos = lover
\nMoskiera = hanging cage mainly for bread
\nMosteritsa i bosteritsa = small lizard
\nMouzeto = mask
\nMourdoulis = prone to get dirty
\nMouzariola = dog muzzle
\nMpatelo = small wooden boat
\nMparos = rock with vegetation in the sea
\nMpiga = crane
\nMpagordantes = he knows to eat well
\nMpaligaro = I catch someone, I bring him into my ideas
\nMpaltsamados = embalmed
\nMpaniomaria = way of cooking eggs
\nMparoufantes = trouble maker
\nMparoufa = trouble
\nMpastakounados = standing
\nMpartsoleta = funny speak
\nMpataro = upset
\nMpatelo = wooden boat
\nMpatselados = crazy
\nMpertouela = hinge
\nMpikerini = small glass
\nMpirmpitsiola = children’s team game
\nMpitsikleta = motorcycle
\nMpokoleta = earring
\nMponagratsia = curtain rod
\nMposketo = garden
\nMpotsoni = glass jug
\nMpoukaleto =\u00a0jug
\nMpoukalina = bottle
\nMpoukoubala = bread in olive oil
\nMpouleti = lottery ticket
\nMpoumpoulas = big black insect
\nMpoursa = hidden pocket for money
\nMpriskoula = a game with cards
\nMprokado = extra pay for good work
\nMpontzos or Mpotzos = small balcony
\nMomolos = monkey
\nMosteras = large lizard
\nPounta malinia = pneymonia
Words starting with Ni<\/h3>\n\n
\nNespola = loquat
\nNekriasmeno = sleeping like dead
\nNerokonida = chilblain
\nNeromploutsi = foof without taste
\nNetaro = I finish with something
\nNeyrida = neuralgia
\nNibelo = alfadi
\nNiokatsente = everything ok
\nNiorantes = exhibitionist
\nNodaros = notary
\nNoumpoulo = A Corfu cured meat
\nNteno = I stack
\nNtabas = clay mug
\nNtemela = pillow case
\nNtzia or Tzia = Ant
\nNtrimono = I hide secretly
\nNtrita linia = straight line
\nNtoltse = kind of oranges
\nNtontolos = one who has one ball only
\nNoberos = he who is silly
\nNona = grand mother
\nNontsolos = neocorus
\nNtefetados = one who has health problems
Words starting with Ksi<\/h3>\nKsiskepos = naked in bed
\nKsekenti = at the end
\nKsempourizo = kick out
\nKsepyrise = the nose bleeds
\nKsinitas = sour wine
\nKsompliazo = gossip, I say bad words<\/div>\n
Words starting with Omicron<\/h3>\nObola = money
\nOntsolos = candlelighter
\nOrse = Corfu muja, orse, (there is not a specific translation)
\nOkoupados = busy
\nOmpia = obsession
\nOmpligados = obliged
\nOnore = honnor
\nOpstante = welcome
\nOritsikas = the base of tail
\nOrdino = decree<\/div>\n
Words starting with Pi<\/h3>\n\n
\nParla = chatter
\nPeka = caprice
\nPelisa = I throw something useless
\nPetsiko = tanned
\nPila = large barel for olive oil
\nPinta = pewter cup with handle
\nPirola = fola, poison in the food for small animals used decades ago.
\nPagkouli = small stool
\nPalaiouthe = since the old times
\nPangkoui = paying hand by hand
\nPaniolo = the deck floor in a small ship
\nPapalina = small sardine
\nParabento = protection from strong wind
\nParamonas = hunter ambush point
\nPartsinebelos = the boss
\nParontzolo = sucker
\nPasapronto = spaghetti strainer
\nPatatona = the sweet potato
\nPaylosyka = the prickly pears
\nPekados = capricious
\nPensatos = thoughtful
\nPiperoni = pepper
\nPergoulia = grapevine
\nPerouaro = I am resting
\nPertsipitados = stubborn
\nPeskada = fishing
\nPetegolo = gossip
\nPitiki = bitter
\nPitsikoli = small child
\nPiatsa = square
\nPiatsebelos i piazebelos = plentyful
\nPiniata = copper cauldron
\nPitsikamortis = grave Digger
\nPitsouni = pigeon
\nPitoros = painter
\nPodologos = cloth that women put on their heads to carry things
\nPomintoro = tomato
\nPontelo = support
\nPontigio or pontilio = stubbornness
\nPontidos = spiky
\nPortoni = garden’s gate
\nPostitsio = tentatively placed
\nPoutsarona = too much dirt
\nPoumpliko inkato = auction
\nPrebantorio = orphanage
\nPrebedouros = foresight (commissioner during Venetian rule)
\nPretsipitada = lively or sprightly
\nProbato = I walk
\nPryobolos = old kind of lighter with a wick
\nPoberos = poor
\nPontes = small wooden pier
Words starting with Ro<\/h3>\n\n
\nResto = the rest
\nRamolimento = old man with softening of the brain
\nRaporto = report
\nReberentzes = hgreetings
\nRegalo = tip
\nRekousiniaro = compromise
\nRemegkou = fluttering
\nRementzo = oars
\nRementio = therapy
\nRempartaro = upset
\nRempompo = boom, loud bang
\nRempoukaro = plaster
\nRentikolo = ridiculous
\nRentikoletsa = ridiculous
\nRespetados = respectful
\nRetseta = note
\nRompabila = useless things
\nRompabekias = worthless
\nRoumpoma = filling with food
\nRoutsoula = washer
\nRoufoulas = typhoon
Words starting with Sigma<\/h3>\n\n
\nSita = sieve
\nSagiadoros = door handle
\nSalado = salami
\nSalamistrado = salty
\nSaltsada = cobbled street
\nSampieros = John Dory
\nSartsada = garden
\nSgorna = watercourse
\nSestados = neat
\nSiora = lady
\nSior = sir
\nSkanio = chair
\nSkarda = clove
\nSkabentzo = remnant
\nSkalinada = stone road staircase
\nSkarmoutso = roll of coins
\nSkartsouni = sock
\nSkatzia = shelf
\nSkafoni = wooden press for grapes
\nSkepeto = gun for hunding
\nSkertsados = mad
\nSkiaomai = I scare
\nSkletza = wood spike
\nSklempou = peskandritsa, a small fish
\nSkotitas = scotodin, poultry disease
\nSkoutzikas = large lizard
\nSonaro i Souonaro = play music and sing
\nSospeto = suspection
\nSoulatso = walk
\nSoukeras = big fig
\nSoumpito = soon
\nSpeoulo = embankment
\nSpabento = surprise, agitation
\nSpalabieri = special trowel
\nSpatsaro = I sell out and leave
\nSperna = evening hut, but made only in a special day in October.
\nSpetseriko = special spice mix for Patsitsada
\nSpetsieris = pharmacist
\nStia = the fireplace
\nStoua = suffocating atmosphere
\nStraisto = a kind of bag
\nStretos = narrow
\nStringka = thin board
\nStrampalados = peculiar person
\nStronizo = I change side in sleeping
\nSfalaggi = small kind of spider
Words starting with Taf<\/h3>\n\n
\nTarama = too much cold
\nTamparo = heavy jacket
\nTankoui = pouch
\nTablatso = square board
\nTaylokounia = moves a lot, here and there, not steady
\nTaylomastela = washing board in mastelo
\nTeleri = glass frame
\nTerefos = defective
\nTetartia = he broke in pieces
\nTetartiastika = I broke in pieces
\nTzitziras = cicada
\nTzaleti = cornmeal fritters
\nTzardini = small garden
\nTzogatoulo = something that gets broken easy
\nTzitzifionkos = conceited
\nTzournada = women’s daily wage
\nTzoukariera i tsoukariera = sugar bowl
\nTzousto = exactly
\nTzobeno = an old man pretending the young
\nTzogia = Joy
\nTortsonia = big candles
\nToulouposou = wrap up
\nTritsa = psathin chapel
\nTrabentzo = transfusion
\nTrampouko = corruption
\nTrataro = I buy drinks
\nTratamento = drinks for everyone
\nTriko = sweater
\nTritseli = tripod
\nTrohalos = wall with plain stones
\nTsantos = Aleksandros
\nTseroula = kind of small fish that ressembles sardine
\nTseta = gang
\nTsima pila = on the edge
\nTsito = chasing a cat away
\nTsapela = dried figs strung on a rope
\nTsantsamini = Jasmine
\nTserbelo = mind
\nTsigkri = teasing person
\nTsiritzantzoules = tricks with words
\nTsitsimpyra = Gingerbeer
\nTsoutsa = chutcha
\nTsokolo = skirting board
\nTotso = too litle